Write a C++ program for employee wages calculation using class and objects.

1. Employee class contains name and wage variable and member function a putname(), putwage(),getwage() and getname(). 
2. Putname: Assign the valve for the character array name. 
3. Getname: Retrieves the value of Variable name. 
4. Putwage: Assign the valve for wage variable. 
5. Getwage: Retrieves the value of wage variable. 
6. In main() Put and display both name and wages.

Implementation of above program:
using namespace std;
class employee {
char name[80]; // private by default
void putname(char *n); // these are public
void getname(char *n);
double wage; // now, private again
void putwage(double w); // back to public
double getwage();
void employee::putname(char *n)
strcpy(name, n);
void employee::getname(char *n)
strcpy(n, name);
void employee::putwage(double w)
wage = w;
double employee::getwage()
return wage;
int main()
employee ted;
char name[80];
ted.putname("Mukesh Rajput");
cout << name <<" makes $ ";
cout << ted.getwage() << " per year.";
return 0;

The program output is tested on www.jdoodle.com

Mukesh Rajput makes $ 7500 per year.

Mukesh Rajput
Mukesh Rajput

Mukesh Rajput

I am a Computer Engineer, a small amount of the programming tips as it’s my hobby, I love to travel and meet people so little about travel, a fashion lover and love to eat food, I am investing a good time to keep the body fit so little about fitness also..

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