1) What will be the output of the following program code ?
void main ( ) 
char a[]= “Hello World” ;
char *p ;
printf(“\n%d%d%d%d”,sizeof(a), sizeof(p), stren (a), strlen(p) ); 
A] 11 11 10 10 
B] 10 10 10 10 
C] 12 12 11 11 
D] 12 2 11 11

2) The meaning of arrow operator in a->b
A] ( *a).b 
B] a.(*b) 
C] a.b 
D] None of these

3) What will be the output of the following program code?
void main ( ) 
printf (“\n ABC\b\b\bInfo World”);
A] Info world 
B] ABC Info world 
C] strxfrm 
D] strcut

4) Which is valid string function?
A] strpbrk 
B] strlen 
C] strxfrm 
D] strcut 

5) What will be the size of following structure?
struct sample 
static int x;
int y,z; 
} ;
A] 6 bytes 
B] 2 bytes 
C] + bytes 
D] None of these

6) Which of the following function not convert floating point number to string?
A] fcvt 
B] gevt 
C] eevt 
D] hcvt

7) What will be the output ?
void main ( ) 
printf(“%d”,’B’ < ‘A’ ); 
A] Error 
B] 1 
C] 0 
D] None of these

8) Which one of the following is conditional directive?
A] #nifdefn 
B] #ifdefn 
C] # ifdefn 
D] #nifdef

9) What will be the output ?
void main ( ) 
int x;
unsigned y;
printf(“\n%d %d”, sizeof(x), sizeof(y) ); 
A] 22 
B] 24 
C] 44 
D] None of these

10) int **x;
A] x is a pointer to pointer 
B] x is not the pointer
C] x is long 
D] None of these

11) What will be the output ?
void main ( ) 
printf(“\n %d %d”, 10&20, 10/ 20); 
A] 00 
B] 10 10 
C] 0 30 
D] 20 20

12) Which of the following is used as a string termination character?
A] 0 
B] \0 
C] /0 
D] None of these

13) What will be the output ?
void main ( ) 
int I= 48;
printf(“\n %c %d” ,I,I ); 
A] Error 
B] 48 48 
C] 1 48 
D] 0 48

14) A static variable by default gets initialized to
A] 0 
B] blank space 
C] 1 
D] garbage value 

15) Find out on which line no. you will get an error?
Line 1: void main ( )
Line 2: {
Line 3: print(“\n Hello World”)
Line 4: }
A] Line 1 
B] Line 2 
C] Line 3 
D] Line 4

16) What will be the output of the following program ?
void main ( ) 
int x=10,y=20;
printf (“\n %d”,x,y); 
A] 10 
B] 20 
C] 10 20 
D] None of these

17) Which function reallocates memory?
A] realloc 
B] alloc 
C] malloc 
D] None of these

18) What will be the size of following union declaration?
union Test 
int x;
char y;
float z; 
} ;
A] 7 bytes 
B] 4bytes 
C] 1byte 
D] 4 bytes

19) A declaration float a,b; accupies ______of memory ?
A] 1 bytes 
B] 4bytes 
C] 8byte 
D] 16 bytes

20) What is the output of the following program ?
 void main() 
 int x=40;y=30;z=80;
 printf(“\n Hello world”);
 printf(“\nGood by”);
A] Hello world 
B]Good by 
C]Compile time error 
D]None of these

21) Which of the following is not a relational operator?
A]! B] != C]>= D]< 
47) what will be the output ?
void main()
char *p=”Hello world”;
int *q;
q = (int *)p;
printf(“\n %s\n%s,p,q); 
A] ello world 
B] Error Ello world
C] ello world 
D]ello world Lo world llo world

22) which of the following is an operator in ‘C’?
A] , 
B] $ 
C] @ 
D] None of these

23) What is the output of the following code?
void main() 
int c=0, d=5,e=10,a;
A] a=300 
C] a=200 
D] None of these

24) Which among the following is an unconditional control structure?
A] do-while 
B] if –else 
C] goto 
D] for

25) Which of the following language is the predecessor to C Programming Language?
A] A 
Mukesh Rajput

Mukesh Rajput

I am a Computer Engineer, a small amount of the programming tips as it’s my hobby, I love to travel and meet people so little about travel, a fashion lover and love to eat food, I am investing a good time to keep the body fit so little about fitness also..

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