1. What is the value of the index for the first element in a VB.NET array?
a.)  0
b.)  1
c.)  2
d.)  3
e.)  Depends on what the assigned value is.

Answer:  a

2. Which method will return the number of elements in an array?                                  
a.)  Dimension
b.)  Length
c.)  Number
d.)  Size
e.)  UpperBound

Answer:  b

3. In the statement, Dim Days(7) as String, what part of the array does the number 7 refer to? 
a.)  Array name 
b.)  Datatype
c.)  Lowerbound
d.)  Upperbound
e.)  Size

Answer:  d

4. What is required to reference an element in an array?
a.)  Array name
b.)  Index value of the element
c.)  Element value
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  d

5. Which method will arrange the elements of an array in alphabetical order?
a.)  Arrange
b.)  Assemble
c.)  Order
d.)  Rank
e.)  Sort

Answer:  e

6. The number of variables allowed in a structured is:
a.)  0
b.)  1
c.)  2
d.)  3
e.)  Any number of variables can be declared in an array.

Answer: e

7. The variable inside a structure is called a(n):                                 
a.)  associate.
b.)  constituent.
c.)  element.
d.)  member.
e.)  part.

Answer: d

8. Which datatype can an array not hold?
a.)  TextBoxes
b.)  Labels
c.)  Structures
d.)  Controls
e.)  An array can hold all of the above. 

Answer:  e

9. An array of controls can be populated by:
a.)  assigning existing controls to the array.
b.)  creating controls and assigning them to the array.
c.)  borrowing controls that will automatically assign them to the array.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  d

10. The Tag property can:
a.)  only hold string values.
b.)  only hold integer values.
c.)  only hold Boolean values.
d.)  only hold controls. 
e.)  hold any data defined by the programmer.

Answer: e

11. The KeyPress event will capture pressing the key:                                 
a.)  A.
b.)  shift.
c.)  control.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  a

12. Which argument in the KeyPress parameter list contains the Handled property?
a.)  Sender
b.)  e
c.)  Object
d.)  KeyPressEventArgs
e.)  None of the above.

Answer: b

13. Which menu item is not typically found in the File Menu?
a.)  Close
b.)  Copy
c.)  Exit
d.)  Print
e.)  Save

Answer: b

14. What is the name of the control for putting menus on a form?
a.)  FormMenu
b.)  MenuForm
c.)  MenuControl
d.)  MainMenu
e.)  Menu

Answer: d

15. The standard prefix for a menu item is:
a.)  men.
b.)  meu.
c.)  mit.
d.)  mni.
e.)  mnu.

Answer: e

16. Which menu object property places a check mark in the display of the menu text?                                 
a.)  Check
b.)  Checked
c.)  CheckMark
d.)  CheckOn
e.)  RadioCheck

Answer: b

17. Which symbol creates an access key in the text of a menu item?
a.)  @
b.)  #
c.)  $
d.)  %
e.)  &

Answer:  e

18. Which is not a standard dialog box?
a.)  ColorDialog
b.)  FontDialog
c.)  OpenDialog
d.)  PrintDialog
e.)  ZoomDialog

Answer: e

19. Why are standard dialog boxes used?
a.)  They are easy to create.
b.)  They provide functionality familiar to users.
c.)  Developers can create their own versions of Dialog boxes.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer: d

20. How are dialog boxes implemented in a program?
a.)  A dialog box is generated programmatically.
b.)  A dialog control is placed in the component tray.
c.)  A dialog control is placed on the form.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer: d

21. The standard prefix for a dialog control is:
a.)  dal.
b.)  dia.
c.)  dil.
d.)  dlc.
e.)  dlg.

Answer:  e

22. What is the method used to activate the color dialog box?
a.)  ActivateDialog
b.)  DisplayDialog
c.)  ExhibitDialog
d.)  ShowDialog
e.)  StartDialog

Answer:  d

23. The name of the class used to programmatically create a color dialog box is:
a.)  Color
b.)  ColorBox
c.)  ColorDialog
d.)  ColorDisplay
e.)  ColorDisplayBox

Answer: c

24. The name of the class used to programmatically create a font dialog box is:
a.)  Font.
b.)  FontBox.
c.)  FontDialog.
d.)  FontDisplay.
e.)  FontDialogBox.

Answer:  c

25. Which OpenFileDialog control property specifies the choices in the “Files of type” dropdown box?
a.)  FileName
b.)  FileNames
c.)  FileType
d.)  Filter
e.)  FilterIndex

Answer:  d
Mukesh Rajput

Mukesh Rajput

I am a Computer Engineer, a small amount of the programming tips as it’s my hobby, I love to travel and meet people so little about travel, a fashion lover and love to eat food, I am investing a good time to keep the body fit so little about fitness also..

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