1.Which action will raise an exception?
a.)  Dividing by zero.
b.)  Assigning the string “Hi” to an integer variable.
c.)  Accessing an empty CD drive.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above.

Answer:  e

2. An Exception is another name for a:                                  
a.)  compile error.
b.)  logic error. 
c.)  runtime error.
d.)  superficial error.
e.)  syntax error.

Answer:  c

3.What is the most number of states a CheckBox can have?
a.)  0
b.)  1
c.)  2
d.)  3
e.)  4

Answer: d

4. What is the standard prefix for the name of a CheckBox?
a.)  chb
b.)  chk
c.)  ckb
d.)  ckx
e.)  cbx

Answer: b

5. A CheckBox can also appear as a(n):
a.)  button.
b.)  RadioButton.
c.)  ScrollBar.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  a
6. What is the standard prefix for the name of a RadioButton?
a.)  rad
b.)  rab
c.)  rdo
d.)  rdb
e.)  rbt

Answer: a

7. How many RadioButtons in a Group Box can be selected at the same time?                                  
a.)  0
b.)  1
c.)  2
d.)  3
e.)  4

Answer:  b

8. Which event is activated when a RadioButton is selected?
a.)  Checked
b.)  CheckedChanged
c.)  Selected
d.)  SelectedChanged
e.)  SelectionChanged
Answer:  b

9. Which is a type of procedure found in VB.Net?
a.)  Event
b.)  Function
c.)  Sub
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  e

10. The methodology where the code is broken into small, logical procedures is called:
a.)  event-driven programming.
b.)  functional programming.
c.)  granular programming.
d.)  modular programming.
e.)  procedural programming.

Answer:  d

11. When using a procedure the calling code sends data via the:
a.)  actual argument to the formal parameter of the procedure.
b.)  formal argument to the actual parameter of the procedure.
c.)  actual parameter to the formal argument of the procedure.
d.)  formal parameter to the actual argument of the procedure.
e.)  All of the above.

Answer:  a

12. From how many places in the code can a procedure be called?                                 
a.)  0
b.)  1
c.)  2
d.)  3
e.)  As many times as needed.

Answer: e

13. Which parameter is found in an event procedure?
a.)  e
b.)  Sender
c.)  Receiver
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer: e

14. Which is an optional element of an event procedure?
a.)  End Sub
b.)  Handles
c.)  Object_Event
d.)  Statements
e.)  Sub

Answer: d

15. What happens when a parameter in a procedure is declared ByVal?
a.)  Only arguments of numeric data types are allowed.
b.)  A reference to the argument is sent to the procedure.
c.)  A copy of the argument is sent to the procedure.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  c

16. Which is a valid way to write the procedure stub for an object’s default event?
a.)  Use the Class and Method combo boxes in the Code Editor window.
b.)  Double-click on the object in the Form Designer window.
c.)  Type the procedure declaration in the Code Editor window.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer: e

17. A sub procedure is valuable because of it:                                  
a.)  makes code easier to maintain.
b.)  splits the logic to solve a problem into small, manageable units.
c.)  limits the number of times the code can be accessed.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  d

18. Which is not an optional element of a sub procedure declaration?
a.)  Parameters
b.)  Public
c.)  Private
d.)  Statements
e.)  Sub

Answer: e

19. Which is a valid way to write a sub procedure declaration?
a.)  Use the Class and Method combo boxes in the Code Editor window.
b.)  Double-click on the object in the Form Designer window.
c.)  Type the procedure declaration in the Code Editor window.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer: c

20. Which statement will send the value generated by a function procedure, called CalculateTax, back to the calling code?
a.)  Return Sales*0.08
b.)  CalculateTax = Sales*0.08
c.)  Return CalculateTax (Sales*0.08)
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  d

21. Which part of a function procedure declaration statement is optional?
a.)  Datatype
b.)  Function
c.)  Parameters
d.)  Private
e.)  ProcedureName

Answer:  c

22. How many return statements are allowed in a Function Procedure?                                 
a.)  0
b.)  1
c.)  2
d.)  3
e.)  There is no limit.

Answer:  e

23. Why should a variable not be declared as a module variable?
a.)  It prevents a procedure from being self-contained.
b.)  It makes it easier to document the code.
c.)  Local variable names can be reused in other procedures.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  e

24. Which variable name uses a standard naming convention for module variables?
a.)  mWeight
b.)  mdWeight
c.)  modWeight
d.)  moduleWeight
e.)  module_Weight

Answer:  a

25. The scope of a variable refers to:
a.)  the length of the variable.
b.)  the name of the variable.
c.)  the accessibility of the variable.
d.)  the datatype of the variable.
e.)  the lifetime of the variable.

Answer: c
Mukesh Rajput

Mukesh Rajput

I am a Computer Engineer, a small amount of the programming tips as it’s my hobby, I love to travel and meet people so little about travel, a fashion lover and love to eat food, I am investing a good time to keep the body fit so little about fitness also..

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