1. Which TextBox method does not use the clipboard?
a.)  Clear
b.)  Copy
c.)  Cut
d.)  Paste
e.)  All of these methods use the clipboard.

Answer:  a

2. Which TextBox property should always be changed first?
a.)  AcceptsReturn
b.)  BorderStyle
c.)  Font
d.)  Name
e.)  Text

Answer: d

3. Which is not a valid value for the ListBox SectionMode Property?
a.)  None
b.)  One
c.)  MultiSimple
d.)  MultiExtended
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  e

4. Setting the SelectedIndex property of a ListBox to -1 will:                                  
a.)  cause an error.
b.)  cannot be done.
c.)  de-select any selected item.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  c

5. Which method of a ListBox will remove just one item at a time?
a.)  Items.RemoveAt
b.)  Item.RemoveAt
c.)  Items.ClearAt
d.)  Item.ClearAt
e.)  Items.Clear
Answer:  a

6. The Items property of a ComboBox:
a.)  is a collection of items.
b.)  is the same as the Items property of a ListBox.
c.)  contains methods and properties.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  e

7. Which value for the ComboBox DropDownStyle property allows a user to type in data?
a.)  DropDown
b.)  DropDownSimple
c.)  DropDownList
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  a

8. Which two controls combined to form the ComboBox control?
a.)  ListBox and TextBox
b.)  ListBox and InputBox
c.)  ListBox and MsgBox
d.)  Label and TextBox
e.)  Label and InputBox

Answer:  a

9. When a condition in an If…Then statements tests true:
a.)  the next Else statement is activated.
b.)  the next If statement is activated.
c.)  the next Then statement is activated.
d.)  the End If statement is activated.
e.)  a condition can never test true.

Answer:  c

10. The End If statement is required:
a.)  in all If…Then statements.
b.)  in all Multi-line statements with Else.
c.)  in Single Line statements.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:   b

11. Which statements are optional in an If…Then statement?
a.)  If
b.)  Then
c.)  Else
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  c

12. Which selection process is an example of multiple branches from a single expression?                                 
a.)  If…Then
b.)  Select Case
c.)  Do…Loop
d.)  For…Next
e.)  All of the above.

Answer:  b

13. How many times is the test expression of a Select Case evaluated?
a.)  0 
b.)  1
c.)  2
d.)  Once for each Case.
e.)  It depends on the value of the test expression.

Answer:  b 

14. Which is not a type of Select Case test construct?
a.)  simple value
b.)  complex value
c.)  relational value with Is
d.)  range of values with To
e.)  All of the above are types of test constructs.

Answer:  b

15. What happens in a Select Case construct when a test value matches the test expression?
a.)  The corresponding block of statements is run.
b.)  The next Case test value is checked.
c.)  The Case Else statement is run.
d.)  The Select Case construct is exited.
e.)  An error is generated.

Answer:  a

16. Do...Loop is an iterative statement because it:
a.)  selects a block of statements to run.
b.)  runs the same block of statements repeatedly.
c.)  selects a block of statements and runs it repeatedly.
d.)  selects a block of statements and runs it a specified number of times.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  b
17.Which is true of a Do…Loop?                                  
a.)  The While condition goes after the Do keyword.
b.)  The Until condition goes after the Do keyword.
c.)  The While condition goes after the Loop keyword.
d.)  The Until condition goes after the Loop keyword.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  e

18. Which Do…Loop statement should be used to process test scores where a test score over 100 is a signal to stop the processing?
a.)  Do While Score > 100
b.)  Do Until Score > 100
c.)  Loop While Score > 100
d.)  Loop Until Score > 100
e.)  All of the above are valid for this situation.

Answer:  b

19. In the For…Next statement the default value for the Step is:
a.)  -1
b.)  0
c.)  1
d.)  2
e.)  There is no default for the step value.

Answer:  c

20. The For…Next Loop is used when:
a.)  a choice is made based on a Boolean condition.
b.)  a block of statements is executed an unknown number of times.
c.)  a block of statements is executed a known number of times.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  c

21. The advantage of For…Next loops over Do…Loops is that they are:
a.)  easier to read and maintain.
b.)  less prone to being infinite loops.
c.)  good for working with arrays.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  e

22. Which is not a valid Exit statement?                                 
a.)  Exit Do
b.)  Exit For
c.)  Exit Form
d.)  Exit Select
e.)  Exit Sub

Answer:  c

23. A sentinel value:
a.)  is used to prevent infinite loops.
b.)  must be a negative value.
c.)  signals the end of a list of data.
d.)  Both a and b.
e.)  All of the above. 

Answer:  c

24. Which function should be used to validate that input is not a string before performing arithmetic operations?
a.)  IsArithmetic
b.)  IsNotString
c.)  IsNumeric
d.)  IsString
e.)  IsValue

Answer:  c

25. Which is not a type of error programmers look for?
a.)  Logic
b.)  Runtime
c.)  Superficial
d.)  Syntax
e.)  All are errors programmers look for.

Answer:  c

Mukesh Rajput

Mukesh Rajput

I am a Computer Engineer, a small amount of the programming tips as it’s my hobby, I love to travel and meet people so little about travel, a fashion lover and love to eat food, I am investing a good time to keep the body fit so little about fitness also..

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